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Clint quashes that voice so hard it groans in metaphorical pain and leaves him alone. "Are we just going to skip over the fact Steve and Bucky have kissed a dude?" "Never have I ever gotten drunk," Uncle Steve says and everyone takes a drink. Simply reader inserts with the fandom/character of your choice! "Because we're like siblings and always want to remember that," Ava says and we drop our shirts back down. Although I, you know. Clint and I aren't, and have never been, in a romantic relationship.. 'Cause I'm open for a lot of stuff, man, but choking me's not gonna work out for everybody., Tony laughs, but it's soft, not mocking. Sent on a mission by Ronin with her sister, and her life changes from there. Bruce Banner/ Hulk How are you with spanking, though?. Nazi, Steve says. It doesn't even bother him much, now that he's back home and out of Medical. (REQUESTED PART TWO), THE SPIDERVERSE: HUNTING SPIDER (REQUEST), THE LIFE OF PETER PARKER THE INTERN (HE'S ALSO SPIDER-MAN BUT HUSH), PETER BEING MULTILINGUAL (REQUESTED PART TWO). On that thought, neither is Tony. which, to be fair, was a good point. or even 'I don't want to play, I will just watch' but Ned had looked at him with puppy eyes to rival his own and he had just sighed and wished all questions would be stupid and he didn't have to reveal some weird shit here. D'nt care. We had to steal, Wanda shrugged, seemingly uncaring. Tony Stark/ Iron Man. But you can say something you have done like, 'never have I ever eaten a cheeseburger' it just means that you have to drink, like everyone else who has done that particular thing.. But nope, that's not Clint's deal at all he's been in enough dubious-at-best scenarios to never initiate sex with someone unless they're really really game for it so when he lands in Rogers' lap, he slides his arms around the guy's ridiculously fit torso and pulls him close. This is a game, but we can't break the rules.. Okay. Seriously? These kids have been crushed by heavy ass building but here they are, walking it off like it was nothing. Then: Wait so what about when you're not drunk anymore?. There's only really been Bucky that I wanted to with. All I asked was that you're honest with me whether it's about us being in a relationship or fuckbuddies or something completely different. To no one's shock, Tony, Natasha and Bruce downed a shot each, and they moved onto the next one. Clint snorts and turns over so he can see the annoying asshole he's about to fuck, and sees a strange softness in Tony's smile that he isn't used to. What the- are you going commando, Barton? Tony's voice is a little strangled. We are to speak untruth? Thor asks, frowning at this new turn of events. That's you stealer, Tony says and looks wounded. Shuffles a little closer to Tony. So, how does this work? Steve asks now, all childlike interest and polite excitement at his team's bonding activity. I mean, are there any questions off-limits, or, Yes, Natasha and Clint say just as Tony says Nope, none!, Tony glares at them. He's also not going to reflect on where Tony has learned about shipping. Like he could scrub out the last remains of Loki by somehow belonging to Tony's reactor instead of the Tesseract. But, he had done those things as Spider-Man, so he could just ignore those things. Yeah, that'd do the trick.. maybe Clint needs to stop thinking about his team-mates and sex so much. It's my bed. So after a mission, I y'know.. I was dirt poor in the great depression. The game has not ended yet, has it?, Oh no, not by far! Tony says. Weakling, she mutters in Russian and Clint grimaces. #starktower Never have I ever gone to a sex club, Clint said blandly. Whaddya say?, Bruce hums in agreement. Yeah, sure. He won't be bothered by it. Damn. It's not unheard of or even uncommon it means you're not sexually attracted to anyone., But I was, Steve says, sounding a bit numb. It was not a mutual flirtation, and all Ill say is that it was a government official., Well color me surprised, said Tony. Not that fond of the taste, to be fair, but it'll do nicely. Marvel One-Shots [NO REQUESTS] - NEVER HAVE I EVER - Wattpad Awesome, I'll go tell Cap, Tony says and bounces out of there, excitement humming through his whole body. They're lying in bed, embracing, making out, and it's probably one of the gayer things Clint has done but he doesn't mind. 196 guests It's a little cute and a lot sad, and Clint sighs when he realizes that he's going to accept Tony's invitation. Tony's strangely generous in bed, actually. Wait.. They always did one dumb ass thing for his birthday each year. Wait, Flash? Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction He shifts his hips slightly, presses back against the hard-on there, and waits for a reaction. When you're ready, when you're sure, and when there's nobody else in the middle. "The fuck!?" He walked over to over and kissed her passionately. Remember the toast?, Ouff! Steve goes to the floor, but turns around immediately, just as Natasha tries to knee him in the back. Yeah like that was surprising, Wanda rolled her eyes. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. Traitor, Clint mumbles, but doesn't disentangle especially not when Steve laughs, quiet and warm. So does Steve, to their slight surprise. He half wishes Phil were here so Clint could bitch at him about bad cupcake decisions, but their handler is currently in Arizona doing level 7 stuff that Clint is 'not privy to', no matter how good he is at hiding in Phil's ceiling. The building came down and I couldn't leave because we were fighting while the building was burning and I got stabbed through the chest with a metal rod. Are you gonna wake up and decide to try and kill me again?, Wasn't tryin', Clint murmurs into his pillow. We are, aren't we?. Yeah, that would that would be great, doc, Steve says with a relieved smile. You have my permission to 'cuddle' me whenever you so please, Captain.. When they want to. They talked, at first playing Twenty One Dares, but Natasha suggested they switch to Never Have I Ever when she got bored of seeing Steve throw people across the room and Tony hadn't let Peter play (apparently the kid had no regard for his own safety). And out of those two, only one can be remedied, I'm afraid. Tony sighs dramatically before he straddles Clint and brushes their lips together. Tony looks baffled, maybe? Peter wished he could have said that. 2. An angry voice cried out. The thing is, Tony says when Clint walks out of his apartment the same night. It's the rules., The rules say that I have to drink if I've done it, Clint says just to piss him off. There certainly wasn't a lot of it in the circus; only a couple of times with Barney and the older kids, mostly just as a ploy for Clint's brother to get laid. The kid shook his head , pouring himself another glass or apple juice. What if she got kidnapped, a few months before Harry was born and the Potters got attacked on the faithful Halloween night? Natasha doesn't say anything when Clint tumbles out of Tony's room and into the kitchen late-morning, but she does hand him a coffee mug and fix him with a stare that says I judge you very hard right now. Right., Really, Cap? Tony grimaces. She took a shot. Told in two timelines, this is a story of finding both a father and a new home. He's lying with his head in Tony's lap, and Tony plays with his hair while he watches a re-re-re-run of Beverly Hills 90210. "Excuse me" Natasha said. this one's for my catty's perpetual nhie rewatch girlies. Pepper would tell you to run in the other direction and the thing is, the thing is, Barton Clint that I don't want you to. He blinks owlishly at Clint and sways a little. "Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to say Petey?" Muh?, I'm not gonna send you back into that elevator, Clint says and turns around, slides an arm around Tony's waist and guides him into his apartment. Now. And the hand immediately retreats along with an annoyed huff from its owner. So we going for it, then? Clint asks, feeling way too hopeful. What could possibly go wrong, right?. Really?. "Super strength is a bitch," I say and everyone laughs. Includes: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Thor, T'challa, Scott Lang, Rhodey, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange a Abby Romanoff is a normal girl, well as normal as any kid would be if their parent was Black Widow. We should fight all the time.. You looked all cute and Sleeping Beauty. He knew exactly what he was going to say. Yes, Tony says before Bruce can say no, and Clint just snorts and drinks up. I'm so awesome it hurts sometimes.. Tony blinks, surprised, and his hands still in Clint's cropped hair. Good. No! Always with the dramatics, Clint teases and drinks. "How do I know that?" Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, and Bruce took a shot. "Never have I ever been stabbed." "How?" I knew there's no way your spangly ass hadn't gotten some action. Finally he reaches the third door on the left and stumbles inside, groaning with general happiness and relief at the ready-made bed waiting for him. Welp, I'm back from the second week of the holiday-thingy. No offense, Widow, but you scare the shit out of me.. Ben Gross was used to being people's second choice. Where you can ask anyway, even though you've done it? Tony seems to look mostly at Bruce, Natasha and Clint, since the two others haven't played this before. So when I was first turned immortal, this guy name Francis locked me in this thing so I set it on fire. Clint grins and kisses her cheek. Never have I ever Bruce swirls his half-emptied glass once, before looking mischievous. And why can't he stop looking at Devi. Say Yes to the Dress is on in the background and he follows it with one eye. So he leans over and whispers, loud enough that he knows Tony will hear, He's really good at swallowing.. Yeah, no real surprise there, Clint sounded almost disappointed. You expect me to do all the work?. LOKI BABYSITS PETEY (+ EVERYONE ELSE I GUESS), THE LEVEL RED INTERNS (Slight Spideypool), 5 TIMES PETER HELPED THE AVENGERS (+1 TIME THEY HELPED HIM), LIFE GOES ON WITHOUT THEM [ENDGAME SPOILERS], A GHOST OF THE PAST [+ A/N ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END], CONFINED TO A WHEELCHAIR (FOR LIKE A FEW WEEKS, CHILL), LET ME FALL (REQUESTED PART TWO) [TRIGGER WARNING], IS THE NEW ARM THAT NOTICEABLE? Tasha's brows draw in half a milimeter, and Clint knows she like him is trying really hard not to think of their team captain's supposed hard-on. It's my choice whether to tell the details or not.. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. Scott questions and I smirk. Are you trying to get a full set or something? Clint asks, because it's pretty obvious that Thor and Bruce haven't tangoed, and he knows Natasha hasn't slept with any of them aside from Clint, of course, but that's years ago now. Dad questions and the juniorteam laugh. If we ever disagree on missions, please don't piss on my things, Bruce says with a wry smile. Steve's gone red again. You were doing so well. He's on his third glass by now, and most of them are getting foggy. Nat and Wanda took drinks. MJ, these are the guys." Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, and Bruce took a shot. But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. Bad luck more than anything. Wanda said. Peter smirked. It's creepy. The silence prompts Clint to pry open his eyes. Clint feels safe and warm and a little loved, which is pretty much his peak moment when he's drunk. That's too easy. Oh, yeah! And the minute flinch and tightening of Steve's frame answers the question well enough, doesn't it? So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. Now, Peter knew that to his teammates he looked like an average nerd, who was a virgin. Demi, is that a bad thing?. Then I limped home" Peter explained. I may be putting a few not field trip one shots because I feel like it but most will be field trip. Tony grouses next to him for a few minutes more, until he gives up and shuffles back out. Huh. Tony frowns and kisses Clint, cautiously, like he's checking something. No, Clint says, because they didn't. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: completed "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Scott says and everyone but Uncle Rohdey, Aunt May and him takes a drink. I'm not a thirteen year old girl, Stark, Clint says, his voice level. Clint's nightmares come back, although they never really left, it was just a lot easier to forget about them with a warm body close by. So why does she keep freezing up when he touches her? Peter, how did you even manage that?" It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. "Never have I ever smoked marijuana," Danny says and everyone but him takes a drink and this seems to surprisethe senior team. TtH Story Never Have I Ever - Then he revisits that thought and realizes what word he just used. I'm not, Tony says sourly, still massaging the shoulder Clint nearly ripped out of its socket. Thor's a beast in the sack.. Nice. Haaah, he says into her shoulder, curled up close to her side, with an arm resting on her waist. Everyone grabs a drink and the junior team in scolded because we are trying to get the alcoholicdrinks, not like it could affect me anyways. 'kay, Clint says, sensing the opportunity to stay; which means he doesn't need to get dressed again, and then fumble for his own room. But she now was at a new school, with new friends and even a boyfriend. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. Really, Barton? Natasha mutters and drinks with him. "When have you ever driven? He knows hers, too. Clint shrugs and looks over at his boyfriend? It's strangely optimistic, for her, and Clint wonders if the crazy genius has grown on her too.