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31. For they dont practice what they teach. The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series First wash the inside of the cup and the dish,[i] and then the outside will become clean, too. (Job 3:16; Psalm 51:5; 139:14-16; Isaiah 44:24; 49:1, 5; Jeremiah 1:5; 20:15-18; Luke 1:44), We believe that God has ordained and created all authority which consists of three basic institutions: (1) the home, (2) the church, and (3) the state. Im still separate I have just decided to sin. Grow your faith in a less toxic environment. 40. Independent You can clap in church, we did that Mountain, the church I grew up though we didnt do it very often though. If I couldnt tolerate anyone saying something different I would instruct the site moderator to delete comments such as yours. The New IFB's website lists its core doctrines as salvation by faith alone, once saved always saved, King James Bible-only, the Trinity, soul-winning, "hard" preaching, prewrath post-tribulation rapture, and opposition of worldliness, Calvinism, dispensationalism, liberalism, and Zionism. And if a lost person were to stumble upon this page and read your list and how you respond to any differing opinions, would you be helping plant a seed? It seemed more like an attack on what the Bible says about life than on a denomination. The end of November we were going to break up because of physical abuse so instead sought counseling for our pastor and his wife. Matthew 6:14-15 is a warning not a command. If you think that you can be a better Christian or have more favor with the Lord with good performance You cant make up for sins nor can salvation be earned. They will not participate, as a church, in any outside function with churches which do not also strictly base their faith and practice on the New Testament. My writing tends to be somewhat heavy and serious so every once in a while I like to add some humor to lighten things up a bit. Independent Fundamental Baptist Attending all three, in my opinion, is optional. Ask questions if you need to and Ill be happy to explain more. Much to their horror, they could not find a church that had a Wednesday night service anywhere in the area. [4], Despite the website's claims that each church is independent, some followers and former followers of the New IFB have accused Anderson of having complete control over the organization and ejecting anyone who has a minor disagreement with him. I loved him, but I hated the way he treated me. You are correct! Praise the lord for giving it to us. Wow. We got saved that day September 14, 2014. The pastor explained forgiveness and that Jesus has already forgiven his sin on the cross and if I choose to not forgive than I am believing in my heart Jesus didnt die for his sin.. 24 Blind guides! Jesus said I came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.. Judah has always been with God. I hope whatever poor experience you had hasnt taken you away from the faith. They had made an idol out of church attendance. Israel was the prodical.. judah is the elder son that was jealous of israel.. Study The prodigal son and the two houses of Israel. The Pastor leads, feeds, guides, and guards the church at the direction of Christ. You should do something else with the time God has aloud you.Nonsense is not what people need to hear. So, are you happy about that, or wanting to change? Also, please scroll up for additional information regarding your objections which Ive responded to ad nauseam. I can tell by your grammar and spelling that you arent very educated (just an observation not a judgment). Im truly sorry for those who were mistreated and sorry if bitterness is hurting you now. First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friends eye. I have an old high school friend here with me who started visiting churches. If you might confuse KJV with KJB its the same thing but its a preference on how people might want to call it. I aint got any place to judge anyone because in all honesty i have messed up in life a lot. All Catholics will not go to heaven is absolutely wrong. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 I have 3 children I sometimes spank I sometimes lecture. I believe being separate is doing what God has commanded you to do. Attending an IFB church is the only way to hear the true gospel and get saved There are so many churches that claim the be the one, true, church, especially the Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Anglicans, some Lutherans, Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormons, etc. Care to elaborate, provide examples? 8. If Just As I Am causes you to repent and go to the altar, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. The Bible talks about a CHEERFUL GIVER. If a person gets right with God, then they will usually give, not because they have to, rather because they want to give. Growing up in a very conservative IFB church, I can personally attest to how accurate most of these were. We believe that , lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are perversions of God's intended purposes and therefore, sin. 25 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. We can joke around about a differing denomination that we dont agree with, but how we react to a situation that wasnt intended, also matters greatly. Independent Baptist - Wikipedia Lol. I dont deserve Gods forgiveness or even my husbands forgiveness. They have distinct responsibilities and operations. Baptism means that a believer is bodily immersed in water followed by being raised up My pastor and his wife sent evil. Jonathan I have a question for you..IF the wine is grape juice (as in the water Jesus turned to wine)HOW can you get drunk on it???? I didnt condemn other version by saying Kjv is inspired. 3 And why worry about a speck in your friends eye when you have a log in your own? Wow! If you are really interested in finding out about my poor experiences with the IFB please read the website rather than make assumptions. The New Testament church should be an independent church. Christ died for his sin already, so he had already been forgiven by God. The Trinity: Southern Baptists believe in only one God who reveals himself as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I had a wedding dress from when my boyfriend proposed on December 5, 2010. I was told that I could not work in one of my passionate ministries, infant, toddler, and 3-4 year olds because of something I did in my past 14 years ago and pastor told me I have to prove myself first. Because of your traditions you have destroyed the authority of Gods word. 7. Should I choose not to forgive after Christ has already died for him? Youre judgment of me by one blog post and its comments is typical IFB tactic. So spontaneous but like it was planned. We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If you believe that all Catholics are going to hell, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 35. Anderson, Fannin and Shelley traded accusations of financial wrongdoing and running a cult. If it did then unsaved people wouldnt be able to forgive. This list are things that are unique to the IFB. Take a look here: Christ is the o nly head of the church (Acts 13:1-4, 15:19-31, 20:28; Romans 16:1, 4; I Corinthians 3:9,16; 5:4-7,13; I Peter 5:1-4). [8], The New IFB website states that it is not a denomination and that New IFB pastors have differing views over minor theological issues. If you think that the other translations are too wordly that right there I dont like. I can count on one hand the number of IFBs whove asked for a discussion instead of attacking me. We reject all cooperation with this movement. That can get a little hairy, though, because you never know when youll end up at a more liberal churchlike yours! Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And theyre most likely convinced that Donald Trumps election is really going to make their civil life better! Jesus says that if you love Him, that you will keep His words.. The establishment and continuance of local churches is clearly taught and defined in te New Testa ment Scriptures (Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11). 23 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. He perhaps worded somethings poorly perhaps, but he is completely turned off by your attitude and responses Steve. For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are! People that oppose things is due to beliefs, so I believe if you oppose the IFB church its because you dont believe what their teaching not because there bitter. Me and my boyfriend were going to break up unless there was hope for change. Satan's eternal end is everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). I dont believe my husband was the only one hurting the relationship. I rarely post on random pages I stumbled upon but by his reaction, he didnt think Dave intended to be offensive to prove a point. If you question if youre truly saved or not when youre having trouble accepting that giviing 10% of your gross income is a direct commandment for all Christians and if you dont give it, youre under a curse. I wanted to go to church but was not able to. We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but that in Adam's sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God; and therefore man is totally depraved, and, of himself, utterly unable to remedy his lost conditin (Genesis 1: 26- 27; Romans 3: 2 2-23; Ephesians 2 : 1-3, 12). 16 Blind guides! Of course these cultural attachments border on the cultic, no doubt are legalistic, and hopefully will disappear eventually as the old guard depart their bondage in this life for Glory! 7. Illustration by Don Pfaffe appearing in the Central Conservative Baptist Quarterly So I did. Is there any perfect , no. around the world wherever our Lord directs. 19:13-15. Same position regarding IFB belief 29. The other thing is: Nowhere in the bible are we commanded to attend a regular CHURCH building and dress nice. Or preferring the KJV? If you believe that perfection is something to strive for and/or attain this side of heaven,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. If you pray using KJV language (thee, though, ye, etc. Baptist beliefs What do Fundamental Baptists believe First Works had previously been the site of protests by activists opposed to its anti-LGBTQ teachings, but police reported there was no evidence linking the protesters to the bombing. As of 2019, the New IFB listed 32 affiliated congregations on its website, most in the U.S. with some in Australia, Canada, the Philippines and South Africa. BUT, there is good news! Clearly only one unforgivable sin is mentioned in the Bible (KJV even) and that isnt it. Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. I dont see how. Even the General Baptists and the Free Will Baptists denounce eternal security, thus the only two Baptist groups that believe in Free Will. Praise the lord for forgiveness. 11. If you think anything other than a suit and tie for men is too casual for Sundays, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 11. WHY do children that leave IFB churches hardly ever come back? You feel forced to go door to door preaching No general opinion on this since door to door preaching within the IFB is very similar to that of the Jehovahs Witnesses though we should share the gospel to others, especially to those who dont have Christ in their lives. Yes, we have a tract rack. However, the churches are united by a number of doctrines. 6 And they love to sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues. (1 Timothy 2:1-6; 1 Peter 2:5,9; Revelation 5:9,10), The local church is mandated by God to practice two ordinances. Im not IFB but I still believe in tithes and offerings. We are not affiliated with any man-made external organization be it a Convention, Association, Fellowship, or National Denomination. For which is more importantthe gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred? If you think that the KJV is inspired, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 2. (2 Timothy 2:15), We believe the first day of the week is the Lords Day. [1], New IFB churches have caused controversy on several occasions, because of their opposition to homosexuality. 7 They love to receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces, and to be called Rabbi.. If this method were a stock, who would invest in it with such a low return. And I know you included that on your list, but there is a difference between joking and bitterness and I can see it in the comments as well as the post. Forget the past and move on to do those things that shine light to the lost, edify the saints, and glorify God. Although some Independent Baptist churches refuse affiliation with Baptist denominations, various Independent Baptist Church denominations have been founded. WebGetting to it. 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. I do agree that any time when you have health issues its because of sin which is why God allows pain and suffering. OK That list just brought back memories that I can thankfully laugh at now. There isn't much out there on the web. You strain your water so you wont accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel! 35. If you stay, Im almost certain youll end up regretting it. Just because we forgive people doesnt mean we are obligated to marry them or anything else.