Tornado Kentucky 2021, Articles W

2017;8:1668. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01668, Spiegel SB. The list of phobias is an educational tool. If she does think this is a problem, then I would get her to see a counselor. That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. Neopharmaphobia Fear of new drugs.. Scabiophobia Fear of scabies. Quite often this gets thrown in with the label of people pleasing, which many do not look at as a fear, but that is what typically drives it, the fear of not letting people down. I dont know why, it just freaks me out and sometimes makes me feel like Ill faint. I have always had some generalized anxiety, but I have noticed that this particular act causes my hear to beat fast and loose my breath. Or you're just a homophobe. Microphobia Fear of small things. Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia Fear of body smells. This goes for washcloths, damp towels after a bath, rag in the sink or elsewhere. I am not going to label these physical reactions, nor are there easy suggestions to make for all you experience. Any famous people that have pyrophobia (fear of fire)? Though the clown thing would really be just one of several thousand better reasons why this paring should never happen. I did it on a night flight one time, Were going down! If you are asking for the name of such a fear, find the Greek origin and add phobia. I would think this would fall under intimacy issues, not a phobia. Call866-718-9995. If my memory serves me correct, the word you are seeking would be Medicuphobia. Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning. Pamela Anderson has reported that her reflection freaks her out. From Britney Spears to Brad Pitt, continue on to discover the array of celebrities who possess phobias of both animals and other things. If you have a phobia that only shows its ugly self a few times a year, you may want to question taking meds. Yes it is possible, but it may be something other than a phobia. This may be a phobia, but if it is personal questions, that may also be about yourself esteem, self worth or low self image. If so that may not be a phobia. This going to sound complicated but I have this weird phobia of not knowing whats around me, it could be in any situation, if I dont know what is behind me or in a space I cant see I get really scared the hair on my arms stand up and I feel like screaming. Sorry I cant give you a better answer, Is there a fear of going deaf? Bogyphobia Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. Demophobia Fear of crowds. Two famous personalities who were extremely afraid of being buried alive include fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen and renowned musician Frederic Chopin. If you believe that you have the symptoms of some type of phobia, consult a doctor for further evaluation and treatment advice. Privacy Policy. Triskaidekaphobia (/ t r s k a d k f o b i / TRIS-kye-DEK--FOH-bee-, / t r s k -/ TRIS-k-; from Ancient Greek (treiskadeka) 'thirteen', and Ancient Greek (phbos) 'fear') is fear or avoidance of the number 13.It is also a reason for the fear of Friday the 13th, called paraskevidekatriaphobia (from Greek . much appreciated, Noah, Noah, if this is a one time event, regardless of how real it was for you, then it could come from numerous reasons and hopefully it will just be something that happened. just cant deal with them!!!! I wished I could fly around the world to escape the night. Check with someone in your area for a dianosis. I have a pathological fear of celebrities. Um, hi, Im Alyssa, and I was wondering what the fear of imperfection is called? Amychophobia Fear of scratches or being scratched. So what should you do? When I am without someone I know in public , I start to panic and find it hard to breathe . Because of this, any attempt at a completely exhaustive list of phobias would be a futile exercise. That is really how phobia names are created and you dont need to be a doctor. Agateophobia Fear of insanity. Presumably, their concerts were strictly dance-free. The celebrity is a person well known for his well-knownness. Whether this is a phobia or something else should be determined by a professional. I am guessing this might have more with your identity or self worth, rather then a phobia, but without further info, Id rather not make any assumptions, Whats the fear of Large Flags. Aaron has high aspirations for his writing career but often gets distracted pondering the profound nature of the human condition and forgets what he was writing See more articles by Aaron. Is there a fear of developing the same attitude or behaviour of someone else by just watching them or being with them. Phallophobia Fear of a penis, esp erect. They make me gag. (I need it for a story Im writing, its really important for the story line). If so, is there a name for it? A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Demi Lovato - Elevators. That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. If this is problematic for you or it interferes with you ability to cope with daily life, see a professional. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Actually, chiclephobia seems more focused on the fact that used chewing gum is really, really gross, a resilient vector of diseases carried in the mouth. I would like to know if its Chacophobia or not? How do I know if I have it? Monopathophobia Fear of definite disease. This makes up most of the reason why I am awkward when chatting with new people. does anyone else feel like this? My little sister is basically living that nightmare because shes 4/5 years old and my dream was about my mom and dad shouting at each other, my dad too loud and my mom too quiet. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Your way of connecting with people is not wrong but it does have consequences. Im not sure if I can describe it to you correctly, but I think I have this fear because Ive broken my arm and leg a few times. Phobias lead to physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. Psychological symptoms. If this is truly an issue with you, find someone to work with. Part of this comes from unrealistic expectations, that you should be able Without additional information, it is hard to say, but my guess it could be part of the same fear. Check these out! The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek phobos, "fear") occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. Homophobia Fear of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. Asymmetriphobia Fear of asymmetrical things. Really if you seek help on this, no one is going to care what it is called. The reaction is so severe that even seeing photos of holes can set off a panic attack. Kristen Stewart: Equinophobia-Fear of Horses. So much so that shes even acted on her fear of flying in the past, going so far as to shout that the plane was going down whilst on a flight. Fear of being forgotten / no one caring that your gone Enetophobia Fear of pins. Amicus means friend. Even if I just think it touched me. I have been searching for it and I cannot find it. Does it have a specific label, that I am uncertain of. I never learned how to say, Oops, I didnt know that! Its amazing how crippling it is. And slightly afraid of this with strangers? Or any plane journey to be honest. What you want is to work with someone who can get to the core issues behind the fears and find out if it is a simple phobia or something more complex. As is evident, celebrity phobias are far and wide ranging, and one thing is clear: even the rich and the famous are not spared of fears, anxieties and insecurities. The question is not if these exist or do you have them, it is what will you do to work through them. Other famous people who had cat phobia: Genghis Khan, William Shakespeare, Louis XIV, Isadora Duncan and Adolf Hitler. Mine is a little different. Selaphobia Fear of light flashes. We guess the key there is that she said she was afraid of being in a pool "alone" so apparently Ricci figures she can get out of the pool and let her friends succumb to the domesticated house shark instead. Heterophobia Fear of the opposite sex. Anyway, I have the hardest time talking to people about how I feel. Sophophobia Fear of learning. I would be really happy if you could include carpophobia since I myself are suffering from it and most people dont know what it is and often joke around with it when I tell them. The condition is called trypophobia. Toxiphobia, Toxophobia or Toxicophobia Fear of poison or being accidently poisoned. Papaphobia- Fear of the Pope. Because there are an infinite variations of fears or phobias, there are plenty of fears that are unique or expressed in unique ways. If it is fear, I would suspect it is social phobia. The assailant couldnt steal her good mood. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving fear of a situation or object. Is there a phobia for this: being terrified of being hurt emotionally, disliked, or displeased by your loved ones or the people you care about i.e. Today, my brother was bored and he started to scratch the wall with his nails, and I told him to stop, but he didnt, and kept going. This fear drives people either to be successful or have failure in life. Automysophobia Fear of being dirty. Maieusiophobia- Fear of childbirth. I dont close my eyes when i shower and i try not to close my eyes for more than a blink. Since you have a few fears, suggests you might have some other underlining issues that might need to be addressed. Rhabdophobia Fear of being severely punished or criticized. Mud Phobia is the phobia (fear) of mud. Celebrities who have been upfront about suffering from clown phobia include rapper-singer Sean (P.Diddy) Combs, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe and heartthrob Johnny Depp. What is important is what are you going to do with it? so I woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat, dreading the fact that my dream may have come true, I MIGHTVE GOTTEN MARRIED TO A MAN!!! Does anyone have a fear of breaking bones and how is it called? Myctophobia Fear of darkness. Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed. I could never talk to them, not even DM them on Instagram without having a panic attack. I also have a phobia of bones breaking or the possibility of it potentionally happening. doi:10.12688/f1000research.20082.1, Valiente-Gmez A, Moreno-Alczar A, Treen D, et al. Coprophobia Fear of feces. Hominophobia Fear of men. Gymnophobia Fear of nudity. So anyway, is there an official name for this??? Is there a name for it? It may or may not be a phobia, as not all fears are phobias and not all discomforts fears. Nomatophobia Fear of names. Altophobia Fear of heights. Staurophobia Fear of crosses or the crucifix. Stars like Americas current sweetheart Jennifer Aniston as well as Tony Curtis (who supposedly turned to hypnosis to cure it), John Madden, Muhammad Ali, Cher and Johnny Cash have all admitted to the extreme fear of flying. I suggest you talk to someone about this who can help you unravel what is behind this fear. Chiroptophobia Fear of bats. Her audience remarkably showed 100 percent compliance with either initiative, patiently awaiting further edicts. Enosiophobia Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. Opiophobia Fear medical doctors prescribing pain medications for patients. That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. Textophobia Fear of certain fabrics. Ive tried searching it up but there doesnt seem to be a specific term. More surprising is the fact that these stars are not shy of admitting to their fears. (Cibophobia) So you can imagine what happened when Kylie went out to London Zoo and ventured into the butterfly exhibit. My daughter is absolutely, 100%,terrified of slides at playgrounds and parks. his muscular frame was so attractive and manly. Melophobia Fear or hatred of music. Many can be dealt with quickly or in a relatively short time period. I was recently told that there is a word for fear of women with fat butts. Does anyone know what the word is? Here's a little head start before we dive into the trivia: the general fear of food is known as cibophobia. Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. pls tell me what the fear of crucifixion and holy revalations is?? Your situation sounds more like OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), both for the germs and the car lights. It is a fear, however whether it is solely a fear or contains other components I cannot tell from the info given. What's Taylor Swift afraid of? Just when I thought it wouldnt get worse. Anyone else? If you are looking to stop your fears and overcome your phobias once and for all; Designed Thinking can help change the ways your fears are process. Myrmecophobia Fear of ants. A reason some people don't like being in a moving car, this phobia is concerned with the possible danger on the road. The actress also reportedly has a fear of being buried alive, so no wonder she's afraid of graveyards. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. Scoleciphobia Fear of worms. Its called Scopophobia the fear of being seen or stared at by other. Can there be any such fear, absolutely. Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed objects. Kosmikophobia Fear of cosmic phenomenon. Peccatophobia Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. Aphenphosmphobia Fear of being touched. Noah, it is possible to have a fear of anything, including the ability to contact people, though there may be some other underlining fears driving the one you have. I was going to get someone to come and repaint these walls even if they were white i didnt want to see a messed up wall and I grabbed a bottle of Clorox that i put back in the kitchen after using it fro the other wall and made my sister clean it even though I knew it wouldnt do good. Claustrophobia is a situational phobia triggered by an irrational and intense fear of tight or crowded spaces. It turns out 1D is full of funny phobias. Sigmund Freud had pteridophobia, which is the morbid fear of ferns. I had always a nightmare like my body is paralyzed for a couple of minutes since I was 13 years old up until now and I am already 23. If you have a fear and it consistently occurs, you want to see someone about it. It has not gotten any better with age. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identifies three different categories of phobias: While not comprehensive, this list of phobias offers a glimpse of the many phobias that can have a serious impact on a person's life. You already know telling people to stop something is not going to change much. If you truly want to know or if this is consuming lots of your mental or emotional energy, you may think about seeing someone. Was there a fear of spilling tea in those cultures, I doubt it, but that is not how phobias are named. A germ phobia more often than not is OCD, fear of confrontation may be social phobia, may an identity issue, it may mean you will only feel good about answering questions about yourself until you have really accomplished something really big, meaning it is not a phobia, rather you hold your own perspective or importance in a way that is not quite working for you. The famous director was afraid of eggs ("ovophobia") and once told a reporter "have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid?" The fear of interviews is called the "interview anxiety.". Hello, I have a friend who behaves oddly whenever part of his body goes numb such as when he sits too long. Genophobia Fear of sex. The Red Scare was hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, which intensified in the late . Reading your list I suspect you rely on others to give you certainty and you identity needs to be discovered or supported. Pyrophobia Fear of fire. This phobia can be extended to viewing videos of oneself as well. Thank you. Jennifer Lawrence might be an Oscar winner, yes, but you probably wont want to sit next to her on a long plane journey. Can u have a fear of things exploding. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Current issues in the treatment of specific phobia: Recommendations for innovative applications of hypnosis. It started one day, because I saw a video with arm wrestling go extremely wrong. Michael Jordan is known to be terrified of the ocean (ever since he witnessed the death of his childhood friend). As if your actions are not of your own doing and are done by malicious forces, That may not be a phobia. Some of these fears are not shared by others and most people will not have the fear you are experiencing. F1000Res. Arithmophobia Fear of numbers. I am a female. Nicole Kidman suffers from this celebrity phobia and is believed to have been unable to walk through a museum room housing dead, horrifyingbutterflies. If I got motion sickness every time I traveled in a car, I wouldnt be looking forward to it either. Tropophobia Fear of moving or making changes. I dont get that feeling about adults.My wife sometimes gets a little upset with me, if I scared her with one of my reactions. Bathophobia- Fear of depth. Unless this is something that just pops up every so often, I would check with a local health professional in your area and get this diagnosed, Is there a name for the fear of uncertainty. You do not need a label to seek help and I would encourage you to do so, because this can create a huge burden on all facets of your life. Does anybody know of a fear/phobia of infestation, or fear of being overrun or controlled? 2020;9:F1000 Faculty Rev-195. Having a physical reaction to certain ideas, sounds, events or images could be a phobia, but I am guessing you can be pretty sensitive to numerous things; they just dont give you these overwhelming sensations. Exposure-based treatments are the first-line approach in the treatment of phobias. Interstellar star Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors and avoids them at all costs. Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles. What will help is finding a therapist that can help you work through this. Well you know if you dont do anything, nothing will change. Phobias are typically related to fears, not playing images over and over. Coprastasophobia Fear of constipation. Also does anybody know the name of a phobia of being left behind or being replaced? How many nieces and nephew luther vandross have? I am going to have to hallucinate that this is another form of fear of the unknown and quite possibly the underlining issue is not being able to trust in your ability to work past this. A person with mysophobia might also be called a "germaphobe". We note that there are many photos available of Ms. Ricci in or near a pool. There may be a name for this, but personally I am not interested in labels, I am interested in the process holding these fear and hate in place. I have the fear of being hit by a ball is this a thing?? I used to have these thoughts about germs in my teens, but way far in the background and they were not bad. I am going to guess some persistent or big changes occurred around 13 for you. Hello! Not all phobias are created equally. Anablephobia Fear of looking up. Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. Phobia means fear and the possibility exists in any of us that anything can be feared. Proctophobia Fear of rectums. If I try to talk or even open my mouth to speak Ill start crying, I cant help it. Kauna unahang parabula na inilimbag sa bhutan. It keeps me up at night. The thing is that dream was sort of true- my mom and dad split up a year ago and I remember them shouting and my dad crying and I was in my room really freaked out saying rally quietly Its just a dream. Ricci has "botanophobia" which is the fear of indoor houseplants. But which one do you think is the strangest?! I dont like when my hands get wet. That can be a very difficult place to be. I have a fear of wet hands touching me, like when u spend a while in the shower ur hands start to go wrinkly and if im at the swimming baths i cant stand it if someone trys to come up to me and touch me. Well there may be a name for this, but I am not sure this is just a phobia. The agora was a market and meeting place in ancient Greece. Hi! Living in Ireland and the UK within a society where everyone accepts this as a cultural norm and can often take offense or think you are weird if you decline, the thought of drinking or smelling a cup of tea or being splashed with tea or having to mop up spilled tea is my unusual and for me terrifying phobia. It was the worst time of my life and I didnt think I will get over it but it went away as sudden as it came on. Suriphobia Fear of mice. I also have this but have never found a name for it either. Fishing nets. Another wall in my room had the same black stain and right now Im have an uneasiness near the side of my upper neck to try jawline and it reached the whole wall i dont even know where these stains where coming from and it was black and it got worse to the bottom i felt like it was slowly reaching the top of the wall like a parasite and god I wanted to spray it with Clorox but I couldnt because the heater was on and I didnt want to risk a thing. I dont know if there is such a word, but very often this type of thinking can lead to other problems of low self esteem, obsessions, etc. The model and reality star revealed on her website that she's terrified of anything with small holes: honeycomb and mousse included. Ochophobia Fear of vehicles. Is there a fear or liking or loving someone because of past experiences? Fear of road sweepers ?? While you have conscious awareness of the process, you dont really know why it is occurring, meaning it is a subconscious process. Ergasiophobia 1) Fear of work or functioning. J.Roy Is there a name for being afraid someone will leave you because they got annoyed by what they used to love about you? Phthisiophobia Fear of tuberculosis. Rupophobia Fear of dirt. Fear of people talking about something you know about and the thought of other people knowing about it makes you want to cry because you want it so badly to just be your thing (Ex: I love the TV The Vampire Diaries but if I hear someone talk about it I freak out and have to distract myself from the person and forget they have watched the show) There are other out there with this fear, but I could not tell you percentage of people who have to deal with this. Trying to battle these thoughts or fears by force or anyother method may work for a while, but eventually you will have to try something different. The so-called Windsor Framework will significantly slash trade red tape between Britain and the province that has been frustrating firms. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? Or is there a phobia for being humiliated in public? Phobias, however, go beyond normal fear and are irrational. Thanks. Instead, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is considered a. Dont wait for someone to label the fear before you decide to change. For you the illusion of happiness could be achieved by obtaining certain things. Eurotophobia Fear of female genitalia. I realize at your age access to help may be limited, but you may want to see if you can talk to a therapist if possible to see why your are reacting this way, So many phobias but not the one I have. Its just the thought that humans took over practically the entire planet freaks me out is there a name for this? Coping With Fear of the Ocean or Deep Water. Phthiriophobia Fear of lice May want to rethink that. Even without a name, any fear and be alleviated. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia Fear of crossing bridges.. I get so terrified that someone will leave me. everytime i google it it get the fear of unknown people. Such as a half-way filled water bottle, where I need to either fill it all the way or empty it all. Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia. Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles Winfrey has reportedly banned gum from the offices of Harpo Studios. Not sexually its just someone coming really close to you physically.. and is there a fear of people sneezing or coughing or burping or any of these types of stuff? Regier DA, Kuhl EA, Kupfer DJ. Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. what is it called? Considering youre the most recent comment i can find, i was wondering if maybe you know the fear of ones ear being stabbed, or something entering ones ear thats sharp. But why? While this may have something to do with bathtubs, it may also be a fear of being harmed transferred to the idea of bathtubs being harmful. What about fear of statement that ends with sadness, being stressful and thinks that it will end up with worst? If this is a big enough problem, you may want to see someone. Is there a phobia for the fear of shirt tags, or labels on fabrics like blankets or towels? I have this similar fear, or at least an anxiety of it sufficient to curtail nearly all of my social interactions. It may be a phobia if it is unrealistic. Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied up. Thank you. Peniaphobia Fear of poverty. I dont know if its a phobia or not. I dont know why, I just get AFRAID with the idea of someone/something with a whole story and personality being made up. Ablutophobia Fear of washing or bathing. I am assuming you experience this, so we know it is real, but it may not be a phobia. On top of being an admitted chromophobe, he has a recorded history of fearing plastic cutlery, as well as antique furniture. Potophobia Fear of alcohol. Whats the fear of things getting too loud to fast? Can you please tell me if there is a phobia name for being sticky? Know that feelings are not stationary, they are always altering in some format, so you should expect that someones feelings for you will change. Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquists dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues After THAT moment at the EMA's earlier this year we're judging Zac may no longer be so afraid of being in the buff in public. If you are fearful, have you tired working with someone yet or have you in some other way tried to make changes in yourself. Not sure you will find a name for this. I have a fear that is quite hard to describe, but in its simplest form, I suppose its a fear of becoming intolerant to pain. Thank you. Thanatophobia or Thantophobia Fear of death or dying. Fear when people care about me . Is this a phobia?